ATTENTION: Purpose-Driven, Conscious Women Entrepreneurs…

Skyrocket your business, bank account and life this year!

Discover the simple, powerful path to accelerate your money goals, attract more clients, and close the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

Listen to the FREE On-Demand Masterclass Now

“4 Secrets to Skyrocket Your Business and Bank Account”

Jill Hope

Money Mindset Coach for Mompreneurs
and Founder of I Shine

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Isn’t it time you claim your power and make 2024 THE YEAR that you start experiencing the big, beautiful business, bank account, and life you’ve been craving?

In this powerful masterclass “4 Secrets to Skyrocket Your Business and Bank Account”, you’ll discover:

  • How to operate outside the constraints of time and space (this is SO simple it will blow your mind!)
  • The 3 Essential Decisions you MUST make to start living your goals and dreams now (this is where I see so many amazing women entrepreneurs going wrong)
  • The 4-Step Manifestation Process that will put living your biz, bank account, and life dreams on auto-pilot

  • …and much more!


This masterclass can make ALL the difference for you if:

    • You haven’t been able to maintain a steady flow of high-paying ideal clients who adore you, love paying you, and who feel so lucky that they get to work with you.
    • You feel like you’ve plateaued, and you know you’re capable of making so much more of your business, but you just can’t seem to get that next breakthrough that would change everything for you. 
    • You feel frustrated or even angry having to sacrifice or settle once again for less than you want.
    • You know you’ve playing small, staying “safe”, or settling for less than you desire and you’re ready to do what it takes to change things

“The ideas I share in this masterclass will set the tone for your most POWERFUL, EXPANSIVE year yet!”


IMPORTANT: If you’ve been working on getting to the next level in your business but keep coming up short, I’ve got good news for you…

You CAN gain the confidence to charge what you’re worth, attract more ideal clients,and make more money in a way that is joyful AND puts you on the path to the next-level lifestyle you desire, and this masterclass can help you get started.

“I had a huge shift. I feel much more secure and solid about money in my business.”

“Before I did Jill’s program, I felt stuck in the same patterns, comparing myself with other people when it came to my business. Something was just not working, and I was always wondering “Why are other people so successful?” I felt disempowered with money and not in my authority around how much I can earn from my business. 

As a result of the program, I had a huge shift. I feel much more secure and solid about money in my business. I feel more confident and I see where I have been letting go of my authority. Now I can look at money, enjoy it, and even have a healthy relationship with it.

~ Leigh K, Essence Yoga

Your information is safe with us! We’ll never share or sell it, and will use it to send notifications about this program and other related info from I Shine®. You can unsubscribe anytime.

I’m so excited to help you set the tone for 2024 so you can finally create the biz, bank account, and lifestyle you’ve been dreaming of.


Privacy Policy: We will NEVER share, rent, or sell your information to any other organization. Submitting your information constitutes your express written permission for Jill Hope and/or I Shine to contact you via the mediums above. Don’t worry, you can cancel your subscriptions at any time.

Enjoy the great information you’re about to receive

Jill Hope/ I Shine
3023 N Clark St. Suite 371
Chicago, IL 60657
© 2008-24 I Shine Coaching and Wellness Programs, LLC