Congrats! You’re in!
Here is your access info for series:
“Mompreneurs and Money: A 3-Part Series For Less Money Stress and More Money Success!”
Series Dates
*PART 1: Tuesday, October 4 @ 12pm*
“Overcome The Traps That Block Your Money Flow”
*PART 2: Thursday, October 6 @ 1pm*
“Discover Your Biggest Money Blind Spot”
*PART 3: Tuesday, October 11 @ 12pm*
“Take Back Your Money-Making Power and Thrive in Your Business”

I can’t wait to show you what is getting in your way of creating more money, more consistently in your purpose-driven business.
Once you reclaim your money-making power in your business, you can finally get on the path to creating the financial success you envisioned of when you took the leap to create your dream business.
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Jill Hope/ I Shine
3023 N Clark St. Suite 371
Chicago, IL 60657
© 2008-22 I Shine Coaching and Wellness Programs, LLC