Discover the formula to consistently attract Soulmate Clients who are happy to pay you abundantly

As a heart-centered entrepreneur, I know you love your work and want to feel lit up, passionate, and fulfilled, knowing that your business is making a big impact in the world.

You want the freedom to spend more time with your family and enough money to live an abundant lifestyle that feels in alignment with your soul.


You want to be a sought-after leader/speaker/coach in your niche, with a full roster of ideal Soulmate Clients who absolutely adore you. 

And you want a perfect work-life balance, where your business supports your life and brings you ease and abundant joy.

Deep down you know this is possible for you.
But right now, things are a struggle.

You may be wrestling with self-doubt and uncertainty around whether you really have what it takes to create a business that supports you, attracts perfect Soulmate Clients, and allows you the time and money freedom to live the abundant life you crave.

You may be feeling…

      • Tired of having to settle again and again for a lack of financial flow, keeping you from being able to invest in your dream home or that luxury vacation you desire
      • Stressed out from constantly wondering where the next client is going to come from 
      • Overwhelmed and confused about how to market, price, and sell your offers to your ideal Soulmate Clients
      • Frustrated with the lack of consistency in leads and clients coming in
      • Fed up not being able to spend more time with your family because you’re so busy trying to figure out how to keep your business afloat, let alone grow 
      • Exhausted putting yourself out there over and over again only to get lackluster results

You may have wondered if it’s worth it to continue and even be considering throwing in the towel on the idea of creating your dream business that you love and that supports your ideal lifestyle.

If any of those feelings ring true for you, I want you to know this:

I get it because I’ve been there.

After leaving a successful 22-year corporate career to follow my passion and start my own dream coaching business, I thought it would be easy to make money in my new venture. 

Boy was I wrong. Through all of my struggles to “do it right” and follow the online business gurus, I still only managed to create lukewarm financial results.

After nearly quitting by business,
I had a realization that changed EVERYTHING

I realized that in listening to and following what the gurus told me would create success based on their experience, I hadn’t listened to myself or discovered MY path to the success that my soul craved.

This realization led me on a journey of self-discovery to find my way back to my true self, voice, and purpose so I could find my unique path in my business, one that is aligned with my voice, value, passions, and authentic self.


As a result, I started effortlessly and consistently attracting only soulmate clients, went from making modest profits to selling high-ticket programs, and I’m making a much bigger impact on the lives of my clients.

Plus, I did this while also creating the time freedom to go to all of my son’s sporting events and travel for pleasure every couple of months.

Now I even get to experience my dream of living and working at the beach during the winter months!

I used to question whether having a business like this was going to be possible for me.

But you can’t do all of these things if you are exhausted, burnt out, and feeling like a slave to your business.

Now I know it’s possible… and I’ve created the pathway to make it happen for you too.

I can save you years of lost income, years of self-doubt, and the frustration of settling over and over for less than you desire and deserve, by showing you what it takes to effortlessly attract Soulmate Clients who will pay you richly.

“I have without effort manifested so much in my life already with so little effort.

I am speechless.”

I want to thank you so much for your amazing help in my life. I have without effort manifested so much in my life already with so little effort. I am speechless. Most importantly I love and appreciate myself more. Thank you for being such an excellent role model. You have changed me from the inside and I am a better and happier person because of you.

Dottie Fenton

“I know I wouldn’t have gotten off zero without her being my cheerleader and

asking those tough questions!”

I reached out to Jill because I related to her story and I was inspired by what she had built in her business. I know I wouldn’t have gotten off zero without her being my cheerleader and asking those tough questions! She provided a lot of support – not only emotional, but technical as well – it is clear she has a lot of business and marketing knowledge and shared that with me throughout our time together.

I’m still early on in my journey, but I now have the momentum to keep on moving towards my dream and am starting to see the universe opening up for me in ways I would have never imagined.

Carrie Rubin

The Modern Mom Society

“I would highly recommend this program to anyone looking to kick it up a

notch and take their business to the next level”

If you are wondering how all the big wigs do it, Jill Hope is your girl. She gives you the inside scoop in a practical, step by step approach. Her program is well organized, informative and inspiring. She is very personable, caring and willing to go the extra mile. There were times I needed a little hand holding and Jill was right there. Other times she gave me just the right amount of encouragement to keep me motivated and on task. I would highly recommend this program to anyone looking to kick it up a notch and take their business to the next level.

Sherianna Boyle

Author of Mantras Made Easy

I want to invite you to get started with a Soulmate Client Attraction Strategy Session with me. 

This is your next step toward effortlessly attracting Soulmate Clients who are happy to pay you abundantly.

Your Soulmate Client Attraction Strategy Session is a 1:1 call with me where you will…

      • Uncover the biggest challenges and blind spots that are hindering your client attraction efforts
      • Discover your most important initial steps to go from wondering where the next client will come from to attracting Soulmate Clients consistently
      • Learn the 5 proven stages to start enjoying an effortless flow of Soulmate Clients without sacrificing your values or authenticity

Don’t make yourself, your business, and your future Soulmate Clients wait any longer!

The Soulmate Client Attraction Strategy Session is a $497 session for which I am waiving the fee for a limited time.

Apply right away. My calendar fills up quickly and I have limited availability.

If you’re truly done with settling for the vast dry spells in between clients and you’re ready to create more consistency in attracting Soulmate Clients who love you and pay you richly, get in touch with me now. I can’t wait to hear from you! 

Enter your information in the secure form below to complete your application.

Soulmate Client Attraction Strategy Session Application

Please fill out completely the application and below. When complete, please hit the submit button.

Once you submit your application, you will see a link to schedule your session. Please schedule your session right away as they are being offered on a first come, first serve basis, and available sessions will go quickly. 


Privacy Policy: We will NEVER share, rent, or sell your information to any other organization. Submitting your information constitutes your express written permission for Jill Hope and/or I Shine to contact you via the mediums above. Don’t worry, you can cancel your subscriptions at any time. Enjoy the great information you’re about to receive!

Jill Hope/ I Shine
3023 N Clark St. Suite 371
Chicago, IL 60657
© 2008-24 I Shine Coaching and Wellness Programs, LLC