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Achieve Your Business Goals With This – For Spiritual Women Entrepreneurs

Apr 23, 2024

In this video, I share a BIG key to help you achieve your business goals faster and with greater ease. This is a powerful shift you can make that will help you achieve your business goals, whether that is to hit a certain financial number, enroll a certain number of clients, be able to make a particular investment or plan a family vacation — whatever it is, the secret I share in this video will change things for you and make it so much easier to achieve your business goals this year.

Want to discover the secret to owning your true value so you can start creating your business (and life!) from a place of ease, flow, and deep authenticity? Learn the keys to your value in the “Own Your Value On-Demand Masterclass”. Get instant access here:

Hi, I’m Jill

Welcome to IShine Wealth! I’m excited to be your guide as you uncover the riches within you, own your true value, and express it in your business in a way that attracts ideal high-paying clients who love you. 

How did I get here? After leaving a successful 22 year corporate career to follow my passions and start my own coaching business, I thought it would be easy to make money in my new venture.

Boy was I wrong. Through all of my struggles to “do it right” and follow coaches who had already created their success, I realized in the pursuit to follow everyone else’s 7-step path to success, I hadn’t discovered MY path.

This discovery led me on a journey of self-discovery to find my own unique path in my business, one that aligned with my true value and authentic self.

Now I’m excited to help other women like you to discover YOUR unique value and incorporate it into your business and life to create the ease, flow, and peace you desire. 


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